Start selling with mkayn
The fastest-growing and preferred selling platform for most sellers
only 15% selling fees

Start today for 5% back on up to SAR 1,000,000 in branded sales. Learn how

"I’ve actually been really impressed—and kind of surprised, quite frankly—at how much mkayn has helped us build the brand; not just on mkayn, but outside of mkayn."
![]() | Mohamed Hassan |
of mkayn Customers use mkayn to discover new products or brands
monthly visitors who eagerly look for the top brands within our store.
- New Seller Incentives
Over SAR 50K in potential benefits
Ready to sell? Launch your brand today with a powerful playbook for new sellers and over SAR 50K in potential benefits.
- Get 5% back on your first SAR 1,000,000 in branded sales
- Try with free inbound shipping, storage, removals, and returns
- Get SAR 500 credit for Sponsored Products CPC ads—bids are up to you
- Get a head start on brand protection, product reviews, and more

Your business at scale
mkayn customers buy roughly 150 products per day from Saudi Arabia sellers. Build, grow, and scale your brand with our innovative toolkit: world-class logistics, a proven customer experience, rich data insights, and cutting-edge advertising & marketing solutions. This is your path toward profitability.
Black & Decker
“When we launched on mkayn, I had expectations that mkayn would be about 10% to 20% of our total business. Within the first six months, it was 50%. It just exploded. And it really changed the way I thought about the future of our business.”
![]() | Mohamed Ali |
On average, sellers see a 20–25% increase in sales after adopting mkayn system.

Your dedicated storefront
Showcase your brand and products with mkayn stores. Curate content to inspire, educate, and help customers discover your brand, and get insights into related sales, visits, page views, and traffic sources.

Optimize your brand content
Showcase your brand and product features on Amazon product pages, and optimize your content for conversion using our tools. Over the last year, thousands of sellers have used our tools to maximize product listings.

Inform your strategy
Make informed, strategic decisions about your product portfolio, marketing, and advertising activities with valuable insights from brand analytics. Over the last year, more than 500 sellers have used mkayn tools to accelerate the growth of their brands.
Start selling today
Put your products in front of the millions of customers who search mkayn every day.
only 15% selling fees